Allowing your pool to go green over winter could set you back hundreds of dollars to return it to a safe swimming condition. In addition, a dirty pool puts extra strain on the pump and filter, potentially causing abnormal wear and tear and increasing your running costs. A pool is an incredible asset for your home and must be maintained to retain its value. Add a Splash Pools is Perth’s favourite choice for high quality, custom designed swimming pools. Here’s our helpful guide to winter pool maintenance.

What Can Happen to a Poorly Maintained Pool Over Winter?

Inadequately maintaining your pool over the winter period will result in greater costs than you may realise. To get a green pool back to safe swimming condition could cost up to $600 and result in costly repairs to the pump and filter. Poorly maintaining your pool will eventually lead to the pool surface degrading which can cost thousands of dollars to repair. Incorrect Acid and Chlorine levels for extended periods are guaranteed to damage the surface of the pool causing it to fade, become porous or even flake depending on your pool type.

Summer is Over – What Should You Do Now?

At the end of the summer season there are a few simple steps to incorporate into your routine that will set you on the right track for winter maintenance:

Have Your Water Analysed by Your Local Pool Shop or Pool Maintenance Professional to Ensure Your Water Chemistry Is Right

Ensure your PH and other chemical levels are correct for your type of pool and adjust anything as recommended by the pool technician. Continue to have the water tested every 2 weeks throughout winter as rainfall will dilute your chemical balance and increased debris from plants can lead to algae problems as well as other chemical imbalances.

Give the Skimmer Box a Thorough Clean Out

Make this a regular part of your winter pool maintenance schedule by checking the skimmer box each time you test the water. Leaves and debris will be more prevalent in winter clogging up the skimmer and causing your pool equipment to work harder placing unnecessary strain on the pump.

Adjust your sanitizer to achieve a chlorine level of between 1-3ppm, especially if using a blanket. If you use a pool blanket, don’t leave it on all winter. It’s very important to take it off regularly to stop chlorine levels from building up. High chlorine levels will damage your pools surface.

Reduce Pool Pump Running Time to Around 4 Hours Per Day Depending On the Pool Volume And Pump Size

The recommendation is that the pool water should be fully cycled through the system 1.5 times per day. E.g. for a 30,000ltr pool with a pump delivering 300 litres per minute this will take 100mins to turn the pool over once. X by 1.5 = 2.5 hours running time. Remember to backwash the pool or clean the cartridge filter every few weeks as additional winter debris will build up.

Remove Pool Equipment

Any pool toys, equipment and loose items should be removed from the pool area. Umbrella stands and other heavy items can be blown into pools during extreme winds causing damage to the pool surface.

Keep an Eye On the Water Level of the Pool

Some pools are equipped with overflow ports, but not all pools are. Ideally the water level should be midway up the skimmer box inlet. If you have an overflow, ensure its open during rainy periods to drain the excess water. If you don’t have an overflow it’s as simple as backwashing for a few minutes. Flooded pools can lead to all sorts of issues from washing in dirt and debris to undermining surrounding paving resulting in sinking.

What is the Difference Between Summer and Winter Maintenance?

Summer maintenance and winter maintenance are both equally important. Increased bather load in summer results in chemical levels depleting so testing needs to be more frequent, we would recommend a couple of times a week. Poorly maintaining a pool in summer has all the same negative effects as poorly maintaining in winter, however you also run an immense safety risk to your family and friends. Once water temperatures are over 25 degrees, this becomes even more important as water borne amoebae and bacteria can pose serious health risks.

Invest in Heating for Year Round Swimming Pool Use

Perth’s swimming season is quite a bit longer than some other states, with average maximum temperatures being over 25 degrees for 6 months of the year. Pool owners generally swim from around late October through to mid-April, with most pools out of action between May and September. If you want to get more out of your pool, it’s worth investing in a heating system. Many options exist and these can be either installed when the pool is built or retrofitted down the track depending on the system and the pool pipework. Solar heating is cost effective and great for the environment and will give you an extended swimming season. However, if you want to be able to swim all year round the options available are electric or gas heating. It’s very important to have your heating equipment correctly sized for your pool and your requirements, so seek the advice of a professional pool builder or pool shop when choosing a system for your pool.

For more information on new pool installations and pool renovations or for expert guidance on swimming pool care and maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Add a Splash Pools today. Get in touch with us online or call us today on 9452 2422.